Texas & New Mexico Personal Injury Lawyers
Drunk Driving Accidents

Edinburg Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

The individual who caused your accident or the death of a loved one by drinking and driving may be facing felony criminal charges with a possible sentence including thousands of dollars in fines and years in state prison. Even if the drunk driver is convicted and sentenced to the full extent of the law, however, there is no guarantee that you will receive the financial compensation you deserve for your injuries of the loss of your family member. This is due to the fact that the insurance company is likely to do whatever it can to minimize the value of your accident claim, or even to deny your claim outright. You have already been through enough, and should not have to fight to obtain a fair settlement from the insurance company.

Speak with a EdinburgDWI Lawyer

We understand what a trying experience this may be for you, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to claim the financial compensation you are due. An attorney from our firm can assist you with every aspect of your accident claim, from gathering evidence such as police reports and witness statements to prove that the other party was not only driving drunk but also caused your accident, to negotiating with the insurance company over the value of your claim and even taking your case to court for a full jury trial should this prove necessary.

As early as possible after the accident, contact us at Farah Law for a free initial consultation with a Edinburginjury lawyer from our team.